金磐酒店设计 Commercial Design

西安  2018 20000㎡

      金磐酒店位于西安市未央区,且坐落在拥有千年文化古城的“中轴 线上”,金磐酒店得天独厚的底蕴,为打开新时代国际视野大门做出新篇章。
      设计中将西安特有的青铜器、兵马俑、古书卷、墙石、城楼、城门等具有历史性文化产 物,用现代设计手法进行元素提炼,赋予其文化价值及符合现代人的审美观理念。

The golden Pan hotel is located in the city of Xi'an, and is located on the "central axis" of the ancient city of thousands of years. The golden Pan hotel has a unique connotation and makes a new chapter for opening the door of the new era of international vision.
The design of Xi'an's unique bronze, Terracotta Army, ancient books, wall stone, city tower, city gate and other historical cultural products, using modern design techniques to extract elements, endow its cultural value and conform to the aesthetic concept of modern people.


Private phone: 13811599565 address:北京西城区德外大街36号中国建筑设计科技集团B座11层 设计咨询:010-8206-2199


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